No.6// A rage induced address on homophobia.

Exchanging banter over a succulent bowl of pork stew, Shion and Nezumi watch as the typhoon rocks the window panes. Rain splatters against the glass. Their hair is still glistening from the wet. A sarcastic gibe and they launch into each other. Nezumi mounts Shion. Hot breath gently caresses Shion’s ear,  his eyes are filled with naivety. The nape of his neck is exposed as Nezumi digs into flesh. A fit of laughter. They roll but this time end up side by side. Nezumi still clutching. Their hands clasp mingling sweat and body heat. A genius and a convict.

Technically, the above paragraph is not shounen-ai. It is not yaoi or homosexual. There is no genitalia poking nor is there mouth to mouth. Nezumi is not savagely removing articles of clothing. Romance is not involved no mater how sexually insinuating this is. Imagine if Shion and Nezumi were brutish warlords and the gibes more foul than sarcastic. The entire scene changes. If they were kissing or having sex, then it is impossible to say they are not. Continue reading