Blood-C: Truly, a fully embellished story.

A promise of blood, guts, and Lovecraftian monsters, a disgustingly tasteless sequel delivered. As one of my lovely friend declares: “Blood-C is ambiguous at best.” It has been stripped of all the wonderful assets that made Blood+ a memorable anime and is left hollow, completely without substance. I am so utterly disappointed. It left a vile taste which may never be cleansed regardless of how the following episodes proceed.

CLAMP, famous for magical girls and sultry temptresses, is simply not able to adapt. The Blood series is gritty. It’s filled with harrowing monsters and engaging characters. What is this clumsy moe nonsense? Who would introduce nine characters and foreshadow them all in the span of ten minutes? Where is the beautiful swordplay and sexy chevaliers? Why is there such a heavy emphasis on school life? Continue reading

No.6// A rage induced address on homophobia.

Exchanging banter over a succulent bowl of pork stew, Shion and Nezumi watch as the typhoon rocks the window panes. Rain splatters against the glass. Their hair is still glistening from the wet. A sarcastic gibe and they launch into each other. Nezumi mounts Shion. Hot breath gently caresses Shion’s ear,  his eyes are filled with naivety. The nape of his neck is exposed as Nezumi digs into flesh. A fit of laughter. They roll but this time end up side by side. Nezumi still clutching. Their hands clasp mingling sweat and body heat. A genius and a convict.

Technically, the above paragraph is not shounen-ai. It is not yaoi or homosexual. There is no genitalia poking nor is there mouth to mouth. Nezumi is not savagely removing articles of clothing. Romance is not involved no mater how sexually insinuating this is. Imagine if Shion and Nezumi were brutish warlords and the gibes more foul than sarcastic. The entire scene changes. If they were kissing or having sex, then it is impossible to say they are not. Continue reading

Usagi Drop// Perspective.

My world is a dark one, filled with the smells of sweat and oil and the deafening noise of machinery. Dexterous fingers prick and prod away. One boy’s most treasured possession: a dull red button is entrusted to me. My features, disfigured but I do not mind. The rhythmic hum of a hundred sewing apparatus permeate the very walls of the factory; a never-ending whir. Calloused hands take me away from the boy and plunge me into darkness. A single bump here, a dull thud there are all that distinguish my living.

Once more I am plucked from my place, this time by delicate hands. The fluorescent lamps alter the colours of the walls making them a blinding pink. Large people and small people mill about speaking in a language unknown to me. They are vaguely similar to the boy. My lopsided bow-tie and my red button elicit some attention from onlookers. A girl points and shouts but she’s much too little to reach my shelf. Lifted up, by large wrinkled hands, I’m put into her open arms. She’s warm, bright, and smells of strawberries. Joy.

The ruffles are smoothed out from my shirt and my crooked tie fixed right. By my long floppy ears she grasps onto tightly, her smiling face boring into her ageing guardian’s. Another trip but this time bathed in sunlight. For days and weeks we played together. Although of late she hugs me often. I do not see the older one. I hug her back.

Black again, the room is so dark. The aroma of flowers mingle with salt. My friend sits neglected and I too. A man, taller than the rest, rises. He offers a gentle hand. I hope that she doesn’t forget me, that she doesn’t drop me into darkness. She doesn’t.

– Jacqivarius

I was reading the third instalment in the Game of Thrones series and then this happened. What the fuck I don’t even.

The iDOLM@STER// An experience similar to drowning.

I’m frightened by this show.

If you were to take the experience of a visual novel and turn it into an anime, it would be The iDOLM@STER. Boasting a surprisingly natural first person perspective, the viewer is thrust into a cavalcade of Japan’s finest moe symbols. The senses are overloaded. Twelve, vastly different in personality, virtual idols talk to you and act out before you as if there was no distinction between their world and yours; of 2D and 3D. Continue reading

Natsume Yuujinchou San// Warm and Fuzzy

Natsume Yuujinchou is an anime that has ever warmed my heart. For a reason unbeknownst to me, it has that power. Maybe it itself is a spirit. Wouldn’t that be a treat?

Takashi Natsume, voiced by the lovely Hiroshi Kamiya, is a boy who’s strong spiritual senses have pestered him since birth. He comes into the possession of his grandmothers “Book of Friends;” a catalogue filled with names of spirits. Reiko, Natsume’s grandmother, never got along with other humans and thus resorted to bullying spirits into submission so they could become her friends. Some may be violent while others kind hearted. Natsume spends the majority of his free time dissolving the binding contracts with the help of the feline spirit, Madara. Continue reading

Kamisama no Memochou// A detective story done proper.

A one hour long special detailing the antics of a hikikomori detective and her eclectic cohorts. Sounds like fun right? Continue reading